We continue our adoption series with another one of our rescues, Brownie. Remember that all of our animals receive the required vaccinations and are sterilized before being adopted (as well as any critical medical treatment necessary)!
Brownie is a six month old female and weighs approximately 15lb. She will likely grow to a medium but substantial size of about 45lb. as an adult.
Brownie has a solid and “husky” body with Beagle type ears. Her short coat has Boxer-type coloration — brown and black shaded with white and black tipping, and shaded black around her eyes and snout and her legs are tan.
Brownie’s rescue is indeed a story of human compassion and kindness. One of the women in the community noticed her abandoned in the street in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the marketplace. Poor Brownie was extremely emaciated, starving and suffering from an extreme case of sarna. Sarna is a painful and severe parasite-based skin disease which causes hair loss and great physical and emotional anguish. The “Good Samaritan” brought her into the Mayan Families office and asked if we could care for her. We took her in, sought immediate vertinary treatment for the skin condition, nourished and loved her. With the physical and emotional attention she’s been getting at our shelter, Brownie is now thriving and looking for a “forever home.”
Brownie’s transformation is indeed, a miracle. She possesses the presence and temperament of a lady – modest yet confident. She has lovely body lines and sits proudly with a kind and gentle demeanor. She is pleasing to the eye and will be a loyal, loving and grateful companion.
For more information on how to adopt Brownie or another animal just like her, please contact grace@mayanfamilies.org. To virtually “adopt” a pet like her, you can contribute monthly to our Hope for the Animals Program so we can continue to feed, shelter and heal our rescued animals.
Thank you to Nancy Hewett, volunteer and enthusiastic supporter of the Mayan Families Mission, for the contribution of this blog post.